XP 49 Financial Industry Consultants

The TCFD (Taskforce on Climate- related Financial Disclosure) latest status report was published on the 14th October, alongside a few useful documents:

  • Implementation Guidance for TCFD framework
  • Metrics, Targets Transition Plans Guidance

The annual report finds that disclosure of climate-related financial information aligned with the TCFD recommendations has accelerated over the past year, growing by nine percentage points in 2020 compared to four percentage points in 2019. It also finds that over 50% of firms disclosed their climate-related risks and opportunities.

Very positive indicators supporting TCFD as a core framework around the world:

  • more than 2,600 organisations have expressed their support for the TCFD recommendations, an increase of over a third since the 2020 status report.
  • These supporters include 1,069 financial institutions, responsible for assets of $194 trillion.
  • TCFD supporters now span 89 countries and nearly all sectors of the economy, with a combined market capitalization of over $25 trillion — a 99% increase since last year.

The address for the TCFD report and other useful links is: https://www.fsb.org/2021/10/2021-status-report-task-force-on-climate-related-financial-disclosures/


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